- Block out distractions: You may not have thought of email, instant messengers, or your phone as a distraction, because you use these items to for important communication. You certainly don't want to miss a call from your boss, right? Wrong. If you're expecting a call or email, by all means, keep an eye on your inbox! But in the long run, your boss will probably be more impressed by the projects you've completed than the fact that you answered your phone on the first ring.
- Stay positive: When you keep a positive outlook, your body naturally has more energy, and your mind is clearer without all that nasty stress in the way.
Terri Mayle, Business Development manager shared this with me: "Whatever your most challanging or stressful task is, do it right away. Just tackle it and get it out of the way, so you can move onto your other work instead of sweating the tough task all day."
- Pay attention to your most productive times of day: If you're a morning person, you may want to tackle that big project straight away. Afternoon people may feel more refreshed after lunch. Some of us here at EDPS likes to burn the mid-night oil from time to time. Perhaps as essential as taking advantage of productive times is accomplishing small or tedious tasks during your low-productivity times.
- Plan your day: We all know things don't usually go as planned, but planning your day the evening before gives you a starting point.
- Prioritize: Some of us here at EDPS number our "To Do" list. #1=top priority, #2=second most important item. If your color-oriented, you can use highlighters to color-code your list instead. The key is finding what works for you, and sticking with it. It can also be helpful to write the estimated time for a task next to it. If you think a task will take 15 minutes, write 20 minutes. Then when you've finished a project just 20 minutes before lunch, you'll be able to check another item off your list instead of starting another big project.
- Take a break: Don't be afraid to take a 10 or 15 minute break to relax and recharge. It will make you more productive when you start working again
We hope these items can help our clients and partners increase their productivity! With a list like this, there is always room for improvement, so share your tips, and we'll be sure to post them.